
Sorry, no progress from my end.

Currently I just have the WSDL and we are building our sw-client
against that. Unfortunately we will not have an opportunity to test
against the server until later, so we will not discover if ADB has a
limitation until we have chewed up a lot of time.

I am really happy with ADB - I think I have wrapped my head around
it's main ideas - but there is still that lingering concern to
discover if it will work.  As I mentioned earlier in the thread we do
have several instances of "restriction" in our WDSL - ubt it looks to
be at the simple end of the spectrum.

If anyone has any "feel" for ADB's limitations we would really
appreciate guidance.


On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 6:55 PM, Sudhir Mongia <> wrote:
> Hi Amila,
> Any word on this.
> Damian any thing from your side.
> Sudhir
> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Sudhir Mongia <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Amila,
>>  I am also running into the same issue.
>> Could you please confirm which version of Axis2-ADB support both extension
>> and restrictions?
>> I can see the following
>> on
>> Known Limitations
>> ADB is meant to be a 'Simple' databinding framework and was not meant to
>> compile all types of schemas. The following limitations are the most
>> highlighted.
>> Complex Type Extensions and Restrictions.
>> The documentation says, it is a known limitation.
>> Thanks,
>> Sudhir
>> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 3:42 PM, Amila Suriarachchi
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 8:58 AM, Damian Carey <> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I'm moderately experience Java Desktop (Swing/RMI/DB/Hibernate etc)
>>>> developer with some XML experience, but no SOAP experience. My current
>>>> Axis2 problem is just that I do not have experienced eyes, and so I
>>>> can't accurately "sniff" potential problems. I would be most
>>>> appreciative of any suggestions / guidance / advice  regarding these
>>>> beginners issues.
>>>> We have a task to connect ourselves to an existing webservice, and we
>>>> have been given a WSDL file to develop our web services client.
>>>> Question 1: Limitations of ADB:
>>>> Firstly after reading
>>>> I decided on ADB as a client as it seems to be the simplest. However,
>>>> that web page has the following intriguing comment regarding ADB :
>>>> "... and has difficulty with structures such as XML Schema element
>>>> extensions and restrictions".  For what it is worth I have scanned the
>>>> WSDL file and found zero instances of the string "extension", and 26
>>>> instances of the string "restriction". All the "restriction"s are of
>>>> the form
>>>> <simpleType name="WorkType">
>>>>    <restriction base="xsd:string">
>>>>        <enumeration value="LABR"/>
>>>>        <enumeration value="OTH"/>
>>>>    </restriction>
>>>> </simpleType>
>>>> Is it easy to tell if these potential ADB "difficulties" applies to us?
>>>> Can experienced eyes look through a WSDL and recognise where ADB
>>>> will/may have a problem?
>>>> Or is it just a matter of waiting until testing to discover problems?
>>> Currently ADB supports both extension and restrictions.
>>>> Question 2: Size of the stub:
>>>> Going through the process on the Axis2 web site I created the stub.
>>>> The WSDL file is >50KB, and the generated STUB is more than 50,000
>>>> lines long and 2.4MB in size!!!  Now I was surprised by the size, but
>>>> browsing through the stub it all seems reasonable and in order - even
>>>> if it is a touch verbose.  I really don't care about the size if it is
>>>> going to work OK.  I only care about the size if it may indicate that
>>>> there may be a problem.
>>> use -u option.
>>>> Does the massive size of the stub indicate any problem?
>>>> Does it suggest that ADB may not cope and perhaps we should pursue one
>>>> of the other methods? (such as XMLBeans or JiBX)
>>> thanks,
>>> Amila.
>>>> Any guidance would be much appreciated.
>>>> Thanks for your time.
>>>> -Damian
>>> --
>>> Amila Suriarachchi
>>> WSO2 Inc.
>>> blog:

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