Thanks a lot for your fast answers. It is still weird that it works for my 
colleagues and not for me. I think I got the same jars in my classpath, but I'm 
probably missing something out I cannot find.. I think I'm done for today.. :o)

Thank you, Andreas & Martin!!

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Andreas Veithen [] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2009 16:21
Betreff: Re: Provider not found & stax-1.2.0

I would not recommend adding sjsxp.jar. The reason is that Axis2 is
best tested with Woodstox as StAX parser implementation. Replacing it
by Sun's implementation may cause subtle issues.


On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 16:03, Martin Gainty <> wrote:
> bea vendor specific problem
> available stax jars are described at
> here is the response from the bea release engineer for not including stax
> jar (sjsxp.jar)
> "Any sjsxp.jar would do. The one in the JAX-WS RI would be just fine.
> The reason we don't ship sjsxp.jar in the JAXB RI is that we don't want
> people to think that it's a required part of the JAXB"
> Martin Gainty
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> Subject: Provider not found & stax-1.2.0
> Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2009 15:21:43 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Hi group,
> I am encountering some curious problem. I am developing an application with
> axis2 v1.4.1. I develop the client and the server side. I use eclipse for
> programming. Last week I had to create a new eclipse workspace, but with the
> same sources. I also created therefore a new server in eclipse based on my
> server executables I used before. (Tomcat 5.5).
> Now when I create a ConfigurationContext on the client side, I get the
> exception:
> Provider
> not found
> I found a solution in the internet that I should add the stax-1.2.0.jar. It
> is gone with this jar, but I wonder how this can happen? My colleagues are
> working without that jar and the same code and they have no problems at all.
> Any insights would be appreciated!!
> Matthias.
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