Thank you very much for your reply on this.

We dont have C# connectivity issue. Below is the wsdd file where style is
wrapped and use is literal. This is not working from C# client.
The response has null references. But, in server side, we clearly see
incoming and outgoing soap messages.

 If I change style to "rpc" and use to "encoded", C# client gettting the
results without changing anything esle. I dont know whats missing here. I
really appreciate if you have any clue on this.

Please note that I changed some namespace in the below wsdd file just for
company privacy.

  <service name="perservice" provider="java:RPC" style="wrapped"
    <handler type="credentialHandler" />
      <parameter name="wsdlTargetNamespace" value=""/<>
      <parameter name="wsdlServiceElement" value="PersonService"/>
      <parameter name="schemaQualified" value=","/<,>
      <parameter name="wsdlServicePort" value="perservice"/>
      <parameter name="className" value=""/>
      <parameter name="wsdlPortType" value=" PersonService"/>
      <parameter name="typeMappingVersion" value="1.2"/>
      <operation name="findPersons" qname="operNS:findPersons"
returnQName="retNS:findPersonsReturn" xmlns:retNS=""; returnType="rtns:
WSSearchResult" xmlns:rtns=""; soapAction="" >
        <parameter qname="pns:in0" xmlns:pns=""; type="tns: WSSearchCriteria"
xmlns:tns=""/ <>>


2009/9/26 José Ferreiro <>

> Hello,
> I am using "Wrapped" and it works well with Java and C# dotnet 2.0
> See links below.
> ht
> tp://<>
> Hope this helps.
> José Ferreiro
>   On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:22 PM, Srinivasa K 
> <>wrote:
>> We are having issue with WRAPPED LITERAL web service for our C# clients.
>> The response object contains nulls.
>> But, If I use RPC ENCODED, they are working fine. I see some
>> discouragement to use the RPC ENCODED.
>> I really appreciate if somebody suggest the right use and style of WSDL
>> for both Java and C# clients.
>> We produce web services using Axis1.4
>> Thanks,
>> Srini
> --
> José Ferreiro
> Systems Analysis and Design Specialist
> MSc in Communication Systems, EPFL.
> "Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win
> big success."  David Joseph Schwartz

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