
in order to achieve interoperability with C# I have:

<service name="XXXX" provider="java:RPC" style="*document*" use="literal">

There was also another thing, but I do not remember now.
I know it was about the namimg and they should be the same...
Maybe this after I see on my deployed WS.

<operation name="geXYZ" qname="getXYZ"  ...

in your case: qname="operNS:findPersons" -> qname="findPersons"

remove the namespace adn you will see.

Hope this helps! Let me know.

José Ferreiro

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 6:39 PM, Srinivasa K <kusampudi.a...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thank you very much for your reply on this.
> We dont have C# connectivity issue. Below is the wsdd file where style is
> wrapped and use is literal. This is not working from C# client.
> The response has null references. But, in server side, we clearly see
> incoming and outgoing soap messages.
>  If I change style to "rpc" and use to "encoded", C# client gettting the
> results without changing anything esle. I dont know whats missing here. I
> really appreciate if you have any clue on this.
> Please note that I changed some namespace in the below wsdd file just for
> company privacy.
> +++++++++++++
>   <service name="perservice" provider="java:RPC" style="wrapped"
> use="literal">
>       <requestFlow>
>     <handler type="credentialHandler" />
>      </requestFlow>
>       <parameter name="wsdlTargetNamespace" value="
> https://us.org.test/WS/services/perservice"/<https://us.org.test/WS/services/perservice%22/>
> >
>       <parameter name="wsdlServiceElement" value="PersonService"/>
>       <parameter name="schemaQualified" value="
> https://us.org.test/WS/services/perservice,http://data.ws.test.org.us"/<https://us.org.test/WS/services/perservice,http://data.ws.test.org.us%22/>
> >
>       <parameter name="wsdlServicePort" value="perservice"/>
>       <parameter name="className"
> value="us.org.test.ws.PersonServiceImpl"/>
>       <parameter name="wsdlPortType" value=" PersonService"/>
>       <parameter name="typeMappingVersion" value="1.2"/>
>       <operation name="findPersons" qname="operNS:findPersons"
> xmlns:operNS="https://us.org.test/WS/services/perservice";
> returnQName="retNS:findPersonsReturn" xmlns:retNS="
> https://us.org.test/WS/services/perservice"; returnType="rtns:
> WSSearchResult" xmlns:rtns="http://data.ws.test.org.us"; soapAction="" >
>         <parameter qname="pns:in0" xmlns:pns="
> https://us.org.test/WS/services/perservice"; type="tns: WSSearchCriteria"
> xmlns:tns="http://data.ws.test.org.us"/ <http://data.ws.test.org.us%22/>>
>       </operation>
> .
> .
> .
> .
> .
> +++++++++++++
> Thanks,
> Srini
> 2009/9/26 José Ferreiro <jose.ferre...@a3.epfl.ch>
>> Hello,
>> I am using "Wrapped" and it works well with Java and C# dotnet 2.0
>> See links below.
>> ht
>> tp://magnot.blogspot.com/2008/04/secure-web-services-interoperability.html<http://magnot.blogspot.com/2008/04/secure-web-services-interoperability.html>
>> http://atmanes.blogspot.com/2005/03/wrapped-documentliteral-convention.html
>> Hope this helps.
>> José Ferreiro
>>   On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:22 PM, Srinivasa K <kusampudi.a...@gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> We are having issue with WRAPPED LITERAL web service for our C# clients.
>>> The response object contains nulls.
>>> But, If I use RPC ENCODED, they are working fine. I see some
>>> discouragement to use the RPC ENCODED.
>>> I really appreciate if somebody suggest the right use and style of WSDL
>>> for both Java and C# clients.
>>> We produce web services using Axis1.4
>>> Thanks,
>>> Srini
>> --
>> José Ferreiro
>> Systems Analysis and Design Specialist
>> MSc in Communication Systems, EPFL.
>> "Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and
>> win big success."  David Joseph Schwartz

José Ferreiro
Systems Analysis and Design Specialist
MSc in Communication Systems, EPFL.

"Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win
big success."  David Joseph Schwartz

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