In among all those .xsb files you'll find a single .class file, and this .class must be available at runtime. [Note: XMLBeans generates the .class directly, it doesn't generate a .java and then have it compiled]

I saw the problem you describe when running JUnit tests which used an axis2-generated SOAP client. The AAR deployed in the axis2 WAR was fine. But the (eclipse) project that held the tests didn't have this XMLBeans .class file in the 'bin' directory. It was present in the 'resource' directory, which was the target directory for XMLBeans generated source, but it wasn't copied to the bin directory and so wasn't available to the test client at runtime. Simply copying it across to the bin directory solved the problem.


Michael a écrit :
Hi there Christian,

I did find the resource folder with stacks of .xsb files on. I added this to
the sources in the build path in Eclipse as well as to the Output... tab.
However, I still get the problem, any ideas as to where else I need to set
something? Maybe something to do with Tomcat? Thanks for your help.

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Gosch [] Sent: 08 October 2009 02:13 PM
To: axis-user
Subject: RE: Cannot load SchemaTypeSystem

XMLbeans does not only generate classes, but lots of additional binaries, which must be presesnt on the classpath.

Look through your output folder, and you will find an additional folder with this stuff.

Add it to your runtime classpath, and you may be done :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 08, 2009 12:29 PM
Subject: Cannot load SchemaTypeSystem

Hi there,

I finally got Axis2 to generate the appropriate stubs etc for me,
having to use the command line tool, and I chose XMLBeans as my data
solution as I have worked with it before and found it real easy to
After having to hunt around for some jar files I can finally run a
to test out the generated code.

I start of the servlet with the following:
GetPointsByRadiusDocumentImpl pointsByRadius = new

However, when running the servlet I get the exception mentioned above
java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot load SchemaTypeSystem. Unable to
class with name

mHolder. Make sure the generated binary files are on the classpath.

Any help will be much appreciated.


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