I am trying to run Axis2+Rampart for a simple example with plain text
UsernameToken and Password.  I am using Axis2 1.5 and Rampart 1.4.

I have a secured service hosted by Axis that works fine with maven.  The
rampart and rahas modules are deployed correctly, using the mar files
from my maven repository.

Using the same maven configuration, I am trying to create the
corresponding client, but the rampart and rahas modules are *not*
deployed by default.  engageModule("rampart") always gives me an
"AxisFault: Unable to engage module : rampart"

I can force the client to deploy the modules by creating a
ConfigurationContext from the file system, but I would like these to be
automatically found from the maven classpath rather than separately
including the mar files as a client repository.

Does anyone have a clue as to how I can get the client to find the maven
dependencies when engaging the client?

Thanks in advance!

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