My suggestion consists of debugging the server side by attaching the Axis2
Java code/thread from Eclipse.
The recipe is:
1. Start Tomcat with the required flags and  parameters:
    start C:\...\apache-tomcat-6.0.20\bin\catalina jpda start
    (eventually look inside the catalina.bat to identfy the debug port, 8000
2. From Eclipse, attach Tomcat with the remote debugger, see remote Java
Application from de debug configuration panel, breakpoint your service code,
later go down in the axis2 stack

consume the service again;

2009/10/29 rbms <>

> Hi I am unable to invoke webservice from stub created from WSDL by axis2.
> When I import the WSDL in SoapUI it works fine. (web service executes fine
> and returns results.
> I get following error.
> **********************
> org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Read timed out
>        at org.apache.axis2.AxisFault.makeFault(
>        .....
>        .....
>        .....
> Caused by: Read timed out
>        at Method)
>        .....
>        .....
>        .....
> ****************************
> I put TCPMonitor to intercept call to server. I can see that calls goes to
> server. And web service returns results after some time (see timeout below
> code)
> Following is my code. The code is generated by eclipse code generation
> plugin.
> **********************
> com.gene.esb._default.ramesh.proxytest.rameshhelloworld.Ramesh_ProxyTestServiceStub
> stub = new
> com.gene.esb._default.ramesh.proxytest.rameshhelloworld.Ramesh_ProxyTestServiceStub("
> http://localhost:8080/soap/testWS";);
>  stub._getServiceClient().getOptions().setTimeOutInMilliSeconds(10*1000);
> com.gene.esb._default.ramesh.proxytest.rameshhelloworld.Ramesh_ProxyTestServiceStub.RameshHelloWorld
> rameshHelloWorld4 =
> (com.gene.esb._default.ramesh.proxytest.rameshhelloworld.Ramesh_ProxyTestServiceStub.RameshHelloWorld)
> getTestObject(com.gene.esb._default.ramesh.proxytest.rameshhelloworld.Ramesh_ProxyTestServiceStub.RameshHelloWorld.class);
>                // TODO : Fill in the rameshHelloWorld4 here
>                __RameshHWInput request = new __RameshHWInput();
>                request.setRequest("This is input");
>                rameshHelloWorld4.setRameshHWInput(request);
>                RameshHelloWorldResponse response =
> stub.RameshHelloWorld(rameshHelloWorld4);
>                //stub._getServiceClient().
>                assertNotNull(response);
> **************************
> The test case fails after 10 seconds. If I increase the timout to 60
> seconds, the test case fails after 60 seconds.
> Any help is appreaciated.
> --
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