
seems to be specific to the transport that the connector is using..which 
protocol are you using ..HTTP 1.0 or HTTP1.1?

Martin Gainty 
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Date: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 18:17:44 -0600
Subject: RE: Any way to configure a write timeout as an Axis2 client?

Hello Chinmoy – thanks for your quick
reply.  I have tried this and unfortunately it does not seem to work.  It does
effectively set the read timeout on the underlying socket, but if the server
malfunctions and stops reading and the message is large enough to fill the
socket flow control buffers, then the write ends up blocking and never times


Has anyone else seen this issue or know of
a solution?




From: Chinmoy
Chakraborty [] 

Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009
8:13 AM


Subject: Re: Any way to configure
a write timeout as an Axis2 client?


>From client side you can try this:


         Options options = new





On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 5:47 PM, Andy Dysart <> wrote:

Hello all,

We are
having a problem with some Axis2 client code that is making a web service call
to a server we do not control where that server gets locked up in some kind of
bad state after having accepted a connection from us, but it does not read all
of the request.

The data is
relatively large (> 2 megabytes) and our client code ends up getting blocked
on a socket write call.  We’ve successfully determined how to configure a
timeout for the initial connection, and a timeout for the read of the response
once the request is completely written.  But we have not found a way to
configure a timeout on the write of the request itself.

The net
result is that when the server fails in this way, our client code gets stuck on
a socket write call which never times out.

Does anyone
know of a way to resolve this?

Thanks in



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