>>>>> "Olivier" == Olivier Brand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Olivier> All,

    Olivier> Has anyone implemented a Cstor Ser./Deser. for Axis ? I
    Olivier> have done it for Apache Soap while ago (which allowed me
    Olivier> to pass complex structures), but Axis is way more complex
    Olivier> for implementing your own serializer. Is there any
    Olivier> documentation beside the source code on how to do it ?  I
    Olivier> think that the advantage that Castor XML has over the
    Olivier> beans generated by Axis is the validation
    Olivier> framework. Using this as an option in the client stubs
    Olivier> would be great.

What about letting Axis do the serialization against the castor
objects , then calling validate() on the result?

The other problem is that castor does not serialize to the SOAP spec.
As long as castor is on both sides, then its ok

- Bob

SynXis Corporation      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    | Obstacles are those frightful 
1610 Wynkoop, Suite 400 | Ph: (303)595-2511 | things you see when you take your
Denver, CO  80202       | Fax:(303)534-4257 | eyes off your goal.  -Henry Ford

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