
suggests that Microsoft soap toolkit 3.0 supports soap attachment.

is it not part of basic .NET?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Sosnoski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 4:02 AM
To: axis-user
Subject: Thanks, presentation, and DIME question

Thanks to the whole Axis team for getting out the 1.0 release! You've 
delivered a great tool for Java developers, and I'm really looking 
forward to including it in shipping products now that it's officially 
out of beta.

I gave a presentation on Axis 1.0 last night to a capacity audience at 
the Seattle Java-XML SIG, ending with using Axis to build and run a 
client for a publicly-available web service chosen by the audience at 
the time of the demo. Axis made me look really good, building Java 
client code from WSDL and connecting flawlessly to a .NET service on the 
first try. Slides and some details are posted online at for anyone who's 

When I captured the request going in to the server I noticed that Axis 
lists "application/dime" as one of the accept types. I don't remember 
seeing any references to this in the documentation, but in looking at 
the JavaDocs I see that some DIME classes are included in the 
org.apache.axis.attachments package. Does this mean that Axis includes 
DIME support?

  - Dennis

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