----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Neward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 1:26 PM
Subject: RE: Thanks, presentation, and DIME question

> There's still some open questions about what form attachments should take
> SOAP, AFAIK. Sun provides one approach (as embodied by SAAJ, which Axis
> layers on top of, IIRC), and Microsoft provides another. The guys who are
> more deeply involved with the W3C Spec committees should probably speak to
> this, since they're more familiar with the subject than I, but as near as
> can remember this is one of the things that has got some good
> legs to it: Microsoft and IBM are hashing out the details as part of their
> respective involvement in W3C, and should be agreed on fairly soon.

It's been hashed out in WS-I, and the agreement there was DIME.

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