Please help me. I really need to solve this problem soon. I've just realized that if I try to send an attachment from C# client (DIME) the response message has the correct content-type and everything works fine.
Bye > Hi all. > > I'm trying to download a file from a Web Service written in Java. In order > to allow .NET clients to use this service I thought to use DIME for SOAP > attachment. Sam Brow has submitted to this mailing list a message writing > about this topic. Unfortunately in his example he simply sends back to the > client the files attached within the request. > This is the code I'm using : > ------------------------------------------------------------ > public void SendImage(String filename) { > FileDataSource fds=new FileDataSource(namefile); > DataHandler dh=new DataHandler(fds); > AttachmentPart ap=new AttachmentPart(dh); > > MessageContext context=MessageContext.getCurrentContext(); > Message responseMessage=context.getResponseMessage(); > responseMessage.addAttachmentPart(ap); > > > } > --------------------------------------------------- > > This simple Web Service method should send back to the client a file whose > name is the parameter "filename". Doing this way the service doesn't work. > Inspecting the SOAP messages I've understood why it doesn't work. The > response is sent back to the .NET client in MIME format. > How can I do the same thing in DIME? Where can I specify the content-type of > the response message? > > Please help me soon, It's very important for me. > > Thanks in advance. > > Maurizio Sciglio > > > >