Title: RE: WSDL2Java question

Hi Mischa
I have successfully created java classes using WSDL2Java tool for a document/literal wsdl file. By default, WSDL2Java generates "Wrapped" version of doc/lit but if u use '-W' option with it, it will generate doc/lit implementaion of the service.

But this has a problem i have already posted this on this mailing list. Please see my repost today. (Tool adds '>' in type mapping defns)

If u edit the generated java classes (remove '>') and deploy.wsdd, the service works fine.

hope it helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Mischa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 11:00 PM
To: axis-mailinglist
Subject: WSDL2Java question


is it right that WSDL2Java just makes sense for rpc/encoded?
Because no matter what style/use in my WSDL is specified - i
am always getting the same output of WSDL2Java. What's
the approach if i want to use document/literal? do I have to
bind my custom classes by myself or is there something like jaxb?




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