> It looks like the orion team just came back. They tend to 
> shut down communication during winter, and show up with a new 
> release at spring. So I decided to play around with new 
> release 2.0 and its classloaders. Orion seems to behave as 
> expected, even with shared libraries and shared ejb-jar 
> files. I have referenced from two different application.xml's 
> one shared lib and one shared ejb archive and was unable to 
> reproduce your problem (without using axis). I used an 
> "exploded EAR" layout.

We cannot reproduce the problem without using AXIS either. If we could,
I surely wouldn't bother you guys with this problem.

> I understand your strategy, but I still don't get the 
> relation to axis. How does axis influence your application? 
> Are you unable to access the correct static attribute from 
> your Web Service Binding Implementation? If yes, are you able 
> to get the correct static attribute value by calling your 
> EJBs from your init servlet? If both applies to true, it 
> might be an Axis problem indeed, and then you should provide 
> an example which allows me to reproduce the problem.

Yes and yes. Try the following to reproduce the problem:
Make a service that exports a simple getter method that grabs its value
from a static variable, like this:

public class Testing {
  private static String startDate;

  public String getStartDate() {
    if (startDate == null) {
      startDate = new java.util.Date().toString();
    return startDate;

Put the service in a web module that you hook into more than one
application. Bind the two applications to two different URLs and then
access the service. If you get the same date string when accessing the
two services, then you have the same problem as we have (i.e. the static
variable is shared across applications)

> Two side notes:
> - I think you mentioned it, but your approach isn't cluster 
> capable at all ;).

Ok, but we are far from needing clustering at the moment.

> - I might be wrong, but you deploy your shared EJBs using the 
> same name at least two times, right? If so, be warned that 
> this will work on orion, but will cause naming problems on 
> other app servers , since you can't use the same JNDI name 
> more than once on most JNDI implementations.

Interresting note. Thank you for telling. Seems that EJB (and/or Orions
implementation of it) isn't well suited for what we are doing - running
several instances of the same application with different branding in the
web layer on the same machine.

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