> ...Which version of WebLogic are you using? -What 
> does your "<WLS_HOME>/logs/log.txt" say?

Yes , I've been using First with Solaris, then on Linux. 
Same thing. 

> You are using the WebLogic-internal JDK 1.3.1_06?

First I used the internal JDK, then I moved to JDK1.4. 1.4 is not
supported by Weblogic, unfortunately. My SSL didn't work, unless
I removed JSSE from JRE/lib. :( But then it worked, with certicom. 
However, client authentication still does not work. :(

> Have you done anything to the "<WLS_HOME>/JDK 
> 1.3.1_06/jre/lib/security/java.security" file or anything it 
> points to?

No. But if you are using other JDK, and have a SUN provider registered
statically, Weblogic dynamically unregisters it when it starts. Strange,
but even the WL doc mentions it. 

> Would you mind showing me the invocation of the Java VM and 
> WebLogic for the setup, which you say works with Certicom-SSL 
> - something like the below - as performed by 
> "startWebLogic"/"startWebLogic.cmd"?

I will attach my startWLS.sh.
Nothing special in there. 
You will see some more parameters set, I'm using SSL in both directions.
Incoming to Weblogic, and also outgoing (SSL client mode).

I don't know what reference you have to SUN providers, because
originally Weblogic has nothing to do with SUN's JSSE. 
(Try to re-install a fresh Weblogic, maybe ?  - dunno )

Br, Geza

Attachment: startWLS.sh
Description: startWLS.sh

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