Shouldn't you make sure that there is an appropiate serializer instead??
This looks like avoiding the problem instead of solving it (which works fine of course)?
It looks to me that the getAsDocument() method sh/could be called in the serializer, not in the web service itself.

Huaming Liu wrote:

I remember someone has got a problem when he wants to implement this kind of method "public 
void method(Document, req, Document resp)". So I'd like to reply:
If you want to get the whole XML document, the last one of the four types of Axis 
message-style methods can help: public void methodName(SOAPEnvelope req, SOAPEnvelope 

What you need to do is to transform between SOAPEnvelope and Document. I've tried this:

   public static SOAPEnvelope getSOAPFromDocument(Document doc) throws Exception
     DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
     MessageFactory mf = MessageFactory.newInstance();
     SOAPMessage message = mf.createMessage();
     SOAPPart soapPart= message.getSOAPPart();
     SOAPEnvelope soapEnv = (SOAPEnvelope)soapPart.getEnvelope();
     return soapEnv;

To get Document from SOAPEnvelope, call 

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