I had a problem where my client-side handler was not being envoked last
week.  The only way I could solve it was to declare the handler in the
<globalConfiguration> of the client-config.wsdd - declaring handlers per
service does not seem to work, maybe this is a bug...


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: 22 August 2003 09:57
> Subject: Re: Client Side deployment
> Hello
> That's exactly what I am doing ! But It's not working !!
> But I didn't find a solution yet. Maybe am I doing someting wrong...
> I have a client-config.wsdd, axis generated Stub and Service
> Implementation.
> I think that we mmight use the
> <Generated>ServiceLocator.setEngineConfiguration method with a
> FileProvider("path/2/client-config.wsdd") as argument.
> I drop here a little code snippet to show you :
> client-config.wsdd
> -------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <deployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/";
> xmlns:java="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/providers/java";>
>     <service name="AddressBookService" provider="java:RPC">
>             <requestFlow>
>                   <handler
> type="java:org.objectweb.ws.handlers.SimpleHandler"/>
>             </requestFlow>
>             <responseFlow>
>                   <handler
> type="java:org.objectweb.ws.handlers.SimpleHandler"/>
>             </responseFlow>
>     </service>
>       <transport name="java"
> pivot="java:org.apache.axis.transport.java.JavaSender"/>
>       <transport name="http"
> pivot="java:org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender"/>
>       <transport name="local"
> pivot="java:org.apache.axis.transport.local.LocalSender"/>
> </deployment>
> -------------------
> Java class :
> --------------
>         abServ = new AddressBookServiceLocator();
>       /* set the configuration here */
>       String path = System.getProperty("addressbook.dir") +
> "/../ab_client/";
>       try {
>           path = new File(path).getCanonicalPath() + "/";
>       }
>       catch(Exception e) {
>           System.err.println("IOError on " + path);
>       }
>       EngineConfiguration conf = new FileProvider(path +
> "client-config.wsdd");
>       System.out.println("file used : " + path +
> "client-config.wsdd conf=" +
> conf);
>       try {
>           // Configuration of the engine by the config object
>           conf.configureEngine(service.getEngine());
>           // try to get some objects to see if EngineConfig is OK
>           SOAPService service = conf.getService(new
> QName("AddressBookService"));
>           Handler handler = conf.getHandler(new QName("simple"));
>           if (service == null)
>               System.out.println("Service null");
>           if (handler == null)
>               System.out.println("handler null");
>       } catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
>           System.err.println("ConfError");
>       }
>         try {
>             ab = abServ.getAddressBookService();
>         }
>         catch(javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException se) {
>             se.printStackTrace(System.err);
>         }
> --------------
> "Gupta, Ankit" wrote:
> >
> > Hi group,
> > I have a web service and I want the clients to work with stubs.
> I wish to know whether it is possible to deploy client side
> handlers working with java stubs. Using The
> "org.apache.axis.client.Service" class it is possible to do so
> but is it possible with java stubs.
> > Any leads will be greatly appreciated
> > Thanks in Advance
> > Ankitb Gupta

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