Looks like you need to also put Log4J's JAR into the webapp dir as well. (indicated by the org/apache/log4j/Category error). It must be used by the XMLSec package.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are others you need as well.
I find it's better to put everything in the webapp dir.
Just as a further comment, make sure you don't use symbolic links for JAR's anywhere in Tomcat. It doesn't like them (not sure why).


raysiu wrote:

Thanks for your kindly reply!

You are right. The happyaxis said that "Found JAXP implementation", but
I feel confused why it can't find out "where"?

Also I have followed your suggestion to put the activation.jar in my
classpath amd axis' webapp classpath, the happyaxis shows that following

Warning: could not find a dependency of class
org.apache.xml.security.Init from xmlsec.jar
XML Security is not supported
See http://xml.apache.org/security/
The root cause was: org/apache/log4j/Category
This can happen e.g. if org.apache.xml.security.Init is in the 'common'
classpath, but a dependency like activation.jar is only in the webapp

Found Java Secure Socket Extension (javax.net.ssl.SSLSocketFactory) at
an unknown location

It found the secure extension, but still have the warning.

Thanks a lot!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Gordon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: Installation problem

raysiu wrote:

Hi all,

I am a new user of Axis : )

I have installed the Axis. Currently I am trying to validate the Axis with happyaxis:

Found SAAJ API (javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage) at C:\apache_group\Tomcat_4.1\common\lib\saaj.jar
Found JAX-RPC API (javax.xml.rpc.Service) at C:\apache_group\Tomcat_4.1\common\lib\jaxrpc.jar
Found Apache-Axis (org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet) at C:\apache_group\Tomcat_4.1\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\lib\axis.jar
Found Jakarta-Commons Discovery



C:\apache_group\Tomcat_4.1\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\lib\commons-discovery.ja r

Found Jakarta-Commons Logging (org.apache.commons.logging.Log) at


Found Log4j (org.apache.log4j.Layout) at C:\apache_group\Tomcat_4.1\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\lib\log4j-1.2.8.jar
Found IBM's WSDL4Java (com.ibm.wsdl.factory.WSDLFactoryImpl) at C:\apache_group\Tomcat_4.1\webapps\axis\WEB-INF\lib\wsdl4j.jar
Found JAXP implementation (javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory) at an unknown location
Found Activation API (javax.activation.DataHandler) at C:\apache_group\Tomcat_4.1\common\lib\activation.jar

In fact in my /common/lib of my tomcat 4.1, it has xerces.jar already.


have also tried to put the jaxp-api.jar from jwsdp-1.2 to /common/lib,

however the happyaxis still cannot find the JAXP implementation. Which

library should add in order to solve this problem??

What do you mean?? It says it found it, it just can't work out _where_ it found it. There is no problem, my Axis does the same.

Moreover, I have added xmlsec.jar to /common/lib, but the happyaxis shows the following warning:

*Warning*: could not find a dependency of class org.apache.xml.security.Init from file *xmlsec.jar*
XML Security is not supported
See http://xml.apache.org/security/
The root cause was: null
This can happen e.g. if org.apache.xml.security.Init is in the


classpath, but a dependency like activation.jar is only in the webapp classpath.

What is the meaning of "the root cause was: null"??

Try putting activation.jar in the common classpath and also Axis' webapp


Thank you!!!

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