Just to follow up my own post (and apologies!)

From http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-wsdl12-20020709/

[CLOSED] Issue (issue-operation-overloading):
Should operation overloading be disallowed?
Source: Joyce Yang
WSDL 1.1 allows overloaded operations- operations with the same name but different messages. If they are to be disallowed then we must require the operation name to be unique within a portType.
Do not allow operation overloading. See minutes for telecon on June 27, 2002 and follow-on email discussion.

Axis does indeed support overloading of methods, but the services thus generated do not expose a WSDL1.2 compliant interface. There are workarounds to this; one is to manually split the WSDL into two parts that just 'happen' to have the same concrete endpoint, with one version of the method in each one. This is a horrible hack but we've used it where we need to get the workflow engine to introspect on a service we don't control and where the authors have not replied to our email :) The better solution for interoperability is to avoid using this feature. Of course, if you're only using the autogenerated client stub classes from WSDL2Java then you're (probably) not going to see a problem here, just bear in mind that anyone who is trying to access your webservice without this luxury will almost certainly run into problems.



Tom Oinn wrote:

No, this is not allowed as of WSDL1.2 and rightly so, it causes immense confusion with dynamic systems such as workflow engines (our project). Under WSDL1.1 I believe it was allowed but fortunately someone saw sense and removed it.


Tom Oinn


I-Sampige, Srinivas wrote:

Does SOAP support overloading? If I want to expose two methods-

1. sayHello(String firstName)
2. sayHello(String firstName, String lastName)

Then how do I do it in AXIS. Can somebody point me to some samples and materials where I can learn more about this aspect of web services? I haven't been able to find much information about this on the web.


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