"Anderson Jonathan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Time for my two cents.  We've been using Axis 1.2 alpha builds since
>November '03 to build WS-I compliant document literal web services.
>How is this possible?  Here's our cookbook:

This is a terrific message, thank you! I think this would be a great
thing to enshrine on the Wiki; is there any convention for doing that?

>No longer are we using java2wsdl to simply provide a RMI over http -
>the mentality of "take your Java class and expose it as a web
>service" should be combated wherever encountered.

I'm slowly understanding the shift that WS-I and document/literal
imply. But I'm left wondering a philosophical point; what value is
SOAP really offering? Why not dispense with Axis entirely and just go
straight to the DOM when implementing a web service?

The great thing about the SOAP-as-RPC view is that, when it works, it
makes client programming really simple. The caveat is "when it works",
since the naive implementations induce a lot of coupling that make
future system evolution and composition difficult.

This seems to be the central quesiton of web services design. I know a
lot of people are thinking about it and it's driving a lot of
technology development. It's latent in the WS-I spec. But I haven't
seen so much clear writing about WS interface design directly.

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