Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

Long term it's clear that real data binding support needs to be integrated into the SOAP framework. JAX-RPC 2.0 has the stated intention of doing this using JAXB 2.0. Right now you can kind of do this with Castor in Axis, if you're willing to go through enough trouble (I've just spent 3 days getting an Axis-Castor example to work properly, as opposed to less than a day using the hideously complex JAX-RPC RI for doc/lit, less than a day with Axis rpc/enc (even though I had to try three different versions of Axis to find one that worked), and less than a day with Axis doc/lit (again requiring trying three different versions of Axis before finding a - different - one that worked). The current Castor in Axis support is basically just grafted in, to, so you pay a high price in performance.


do you know if anybody tried to add support for XmlBeans ( to AXIS?

we have XmlBeans integrated in WS/XSUL (aka XSOAP4) which is document style based in its core so it needs some kind of data binding. XmlBeans works very well in this capacity as it has a very extensive support for XML Schemas (AFAIK there is nothing open source that has better support ...).



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