This discussion has been very useful. Thank you! Jim Murphy of MindReef/SOAPScope said:What that means to me is that SOAP is the ... tags that allow service designers to put application stuff in one bucket (soap:Body) and keep that separate from non-functional stuff that goes in Headers.
I agreed. But while I like the idea of SOAP headers, I don't have anything standard to put in them. Web services security is a debacle; there's still no standard tag for me to put authentication tokens in a SOAP header. And cleverer stuff like WS-Routing hasn't gone anywhere.
That commentary may be a little early - but accurate. :) Certainly with MSFT's Indigo and to some extent WSE 2.0 there is lots of support for standard headers. This is not a case that MSFT is out innovating the rest - IBM, BEA and others have/will have very powerful stacks too. IMHO, we are in an awkward transition time.
I guess in theory XML Schema is enough for the clients to do the magic parsing, but in practice it doesn't seem to work so well. I love this clarification to WS-I BP1.0a:
R2110, R2111, R2112, and R2113 restricts array descriptions. This is
confusing and untestable as the concept of "array" is alien to XML
So, um, if XML Schema doesn't have arrays, how am I supposed to pass an array in a document/literal service?
That may be a bit of a mis-read i think. They are not saying there is no what to declare and array of things cause there absolutely is:
<complexType name="arrayofFoo"> <sequence> <element ref="foo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </sequence> </complexType>
A valid instance:
<arrayofFoo> <foo/> <foo/> <foo/> </arrayofFoo>
Which is entirely WS-I compliant.
The WS-I is trying to get people to NOT extend/inherit from the SOAP1.1 section 5 based array types (and corresponding wsdlsoap decls) but to take the above approach. I think the errata is working out the spec-ease with the clarification that the notion of an "array" does not exist in XML Schema proper - but the notion of a serial list of elements is so use that.
Is there a list of Axis-friendly blogs? Good web services blogs?
Dunno - that would be a nice addition to the docs/wiki?
Jim Murphy Mindreef, Inc.