Hi Chris,

I was doing it something like this now,

                    if(session == null) {
                            log.info("session does not exist");
                            throw new AxisFault("Server.noSession",
                                            "Session does not
if(!"true".equals((String)session.get("validUser"))) {
                            log.info("user is not valid");
                            throw new AxisFault("Server.invalidUser",
                                            "User is not valid",null,null);

This code I have written in a request handler and then I have another
handler one level down and as soon as
this exception arises, in the onFault method of handler, I am trying to
modify the SOAP message. I am removing the SOAPBody and then trying to
construct with my message again. But I am failing here because of my lack of

Do you think this is the correct approach?

my onFault method looks something like:

 SOAPEnvelope env = MessageContext.getSOAPEnvelope();
            //clear the body

            //create new body element

            javax.xml.soap.Name name =

I am not really sure how to add the attributes to this. Can anyone correct
if I am doing something wrong here.

kiran pathuru

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Haddad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 22, 2004 10:46 PM
Subject: Re: session, handler problem

Kiran - 

have you considered embedding the custom message inside the SOAP fault as a
detail element or as a custom exception?   


---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Pathuru, Kiran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:  Mon, 22 Mar 2004 15:10:03 +0100

>I have a webservice which works based on sessions. The user first need to
>login and then onwards can make the calls.
>In one of my request handlers, now I am checking what method the user is
>requesting and then see whether
>the user has already logged in successfully, otherwise I will raise an Axis
>Fault. But my client don't like
>this and he want to see a returnMessage like login failed or session
>expired. Can anyone suggest me how can I do this?
>Is there anyway that I can construct a SOAP message in my request handler
>and send it back to the caller instead of forwarding it to the service? I
>think I can solve my problem in this way but don't know how to do it. Any
>help will be appreciated.
>Thanks in Advance,
>kiran pathuru

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