
This is probably the wrong forum for thrashing web services in
general. You are welcome to trash axis  though :) as this is a forum
for debating user issues with Axis.

-- dims

On Sat, 15 May 2004 12:54:34 +0100, Tom Oinn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Galbreath, Mark A" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 4:17 PM
> > Subject: RE: Project from hell?
> >
> >>What's the solution?  I have pressure all over me to create Web services
> >>for every f*cking application in the ..... department.  What gives?  It
> >>seems to me that Web services has been way totally overhyped and it
> >>delivers nothing of value.
> You forget - the management have heard the phrase 'web services', as
> with most management once an idea gets in it doesn't get out for a
> while, so what the hell - do whatever you were going to do anyway and
> lie about it including web services ;) If your ethics don't let you do
> this for some reason then pick a bit of the current communication
> structure and move it to WS. It won't actually really benefit the
> application at all but it will mean your system 'uses the latest open
> standards from the w3c...' etc etc. It's not like the people saying 'use
> web services' are actually going to look at, let alone understand the
> code...
> The alternative is to start a campaign of fear about the security holes.
> Point out that websites get hacked all the time, and that 'obviously web
> services have the same security risks'. Of course, that isn't really
> true, but it seems to me that your problem isn't a technical one at all,
> it's political, I'm sure you're good enough at what you do to provide
> them with the functionality they want, just a question of avoiding the
> interference from on high in the process.
> Good luck :)
> Tom (okay, this isn't an entirely serious reply, but it's not entirely
> joking either!)

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