Ok -- New Direction trying the following:
AxisEngine ae = new AxisServer().getClientEngine();
        FileReader reader = new FileReader(new
        InputSource is = new InputSource(reader);
        MessageContext mc = new MessageContext(ae);
                DeserializationContext dc = new
Yet the next step would be to obtain a Deserializer
from dc, yet it is coming back null?
Any one know why ?

org.apache.axis.encoding.Deserializer deser =

--- aa bb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have seen this posting here, yet with on
> definitive
> answers.
> So, I figured we could put something together...
> Here is the situation:
> We are a consumer of a WS and the providers test
> systems are like a yoyo always up and down. In order
> to keep our development team moveing Iam needing to
> perform this type of task...
> I can obtain a good response, capture it to file by
> serializing it and then have the developers use the
> file and deserialize it and continue developing
> while
> the yoyo is down..
> Can any one help ?
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