Maybe it will be helpful for me to provide a bit more detail. Here is the content of a web services call that doesn't work:

POST /imapi HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/soap+xml, application/dime, multipart/related, text/*
User-Agent: Axis/1.1
Host: dev8:6070
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
SOAPAction: "atpws_getCellInfo"
Content-Length: 592

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<userName xmlns=""></userName>
<password xmlns=""></password>
<imname xmlns="">pedev8</imname>

<connectionId xsi:type="xsd:long"


Here is the content of a call that does work:

POST /imapi HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Accept: application/soap+xml, application/dime, multipart/related, text/*
User-Agent: Axis/1.0
Host: dev8:6070
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
SOAPAction: "atpws_getCellInfo"
Content-Length: 727

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<userName xsi:type="xsd:string"

<password xsi:type="xsd:string"

<imname xsi:type="xsd:string"

<ns1:bufferType xsi:type="ns1:IMBufferType" xmlns=""
<connectionId xsi:type="xsd:long"


The only thing that changes on the client side is the version of the Axis-related jars I am using. That is why I was looking for some sort of configuration option that would make Axis 1.1 behave like Axis 1.0. I did take your advice about changing the client-config.xml file. I tried overriding it by specifying an alternate file as well as changing the one that resides in axis.jar. After my changes, the client-config.xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<deployment name="defaultClientConfig"
<parameter name="sendXsiTypes" value="true"/>
<transport name="http" pivot="java:org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender"/>
<transport name="local" pivot="java:org.apache.axis.transport.local.LocalSender"/>
<transport name="java" pivot=""/>

None of these changes has produced the desired result. I am starting to wonder if I am even in the ballpark. I will continue digging but would certainly appreciate any help you can offer.

To answer Anand's question about this being server or client code - my code is part of a server product but is acting as a client to another product via it's web services interface. As I mentioned before, the Axis 1.1 jars are already on the classpath. My understanding is that there is no longer a separate axis-client.jar file. The axis.jar file has both a client-config.xml and server-config.xml inside of it.

Much Thanks,


--- On Wed 07/21, Michael Thompson < [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> wrote:
From: Michael Thompson [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 15:31:08 -0500Subject:
Re: Problem with SOAP body

It was my understanding that you just had to have a client-config.wsdd
in the classpath. So if you don't want to mod your axis.jar, just make
sure your the directory your custom client-config.wsdd is in your classpath.


Anand Natrajan wrote:

>My bad - I read your email to the opposite effect. Of course, you could
>simply set that parameter to true...
>Re: control over Axis jar - this is the _client_-side jar we're talking
>about, not the server-side one in the app server. Maybe I am not following
>something, but couldn't your just jar xvf the axis.jar on the _client_ side,
>edit client-config.wsdd (setting the desired parameter to _true_), jar cvf
>the whole thing back up and proceed?
>On Wed, 21 Jul 2004, Anthony Piazza wrote:
>: Anand,
>: Thanks for your reply. Just to clarify - I DO want the elements of the SOAP body to have the XSI attributes. As I mentioned in my original message, I have no control over the Axis jar (which includes the client-config.wsdd file) that I must use. I have tried several ways to force the XSI attributes to be included, including:
>: call.setScopedProperty( Call.SEND_TYPE_ATTR, Boolean.TRUE );
>: call.getMessageContext().setProperty( AxisEngine.PROP_SEND_XSI, Boolean.TRUE );
>: None of these cause the elements of the SOAP body to have the XSI attributes on them. I have started digging through the Axis source code but haven't yet figured out what I need to do.
>: Does anyone know how to force this behavior?
>: Thanks again.
>: Tony Piazza
>: --- On Wed 07/21, Anand Natrajan < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>: From: Anand Natrajan [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>: Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 13:00:59 -0400 (EDT)
>: Subject: Re: Problem with SOAP body
>: Anthony, I'll pass on some wisdom I learnt just a day or so ago that may be worth trying. Find out your Axis client's client-config.wsdd file. In that, there may be a tag called . Inside that, add the following XML segment.
>: Can't guarantee whether it'll work or not, but it may remove the xsi namespace.
>: Good luck!
>: Anand
>: On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Anthony Piazza wrote:
>: I am using Axis as a client to a web service that uses WASP. The problem I am having is that the service doesn't work with the more recent versions of Axis (1.1). It turns out that the app server (JBoss) we are using includes the latest version of Axis as part of it's standard deployment (which I have no control over). If I just delete the jars that are deployed with the app server, then it finds my older Axis-related jars and everything works correctly. I used a tcp monitoring tool to see what the difference is between the messages that get sent by the client. Here is what the SOAP bod y looks like when using Axis 1.1:
>: tony
>: password
>: pedev8
>: >: xmlns="">BUFFER_MODE_DEFAULT
>: >: xmlns="">0

>: Here is what the SOAP body looks like when using Axis 1.0:
>: >: xmlns="">tony
>: >: xmlns="">password
>: >: xmlns="">pedev8
>: >: xmlns=""
>: xmlns:ns1="">BUFFER_MODE_DEFAULT

>: >: xmlns="">0

>: You can probably see that the difference has to do with the xsi:type info that is included with the string parameters and the namespace declaration that is used on the bufferType parameter. I am stuck with having to work with the version 1.1 Axis-related jars that are included with our app server. Here is my question:
>: Can I make Axis 1.1 generate a SOAP body that looks like one generated by Axis 1.0?
>: Thanks in advance for your assistance.
>: Sincerely,
>: Tony Piazza
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