I'm using the nightly build, and yes, the problem has gone away.
But the Axis web pages for releases (linked from their main menu, under downloads) indicates the latest release is 1.2alpha.
Anything else is apparently a "nightly build"

Well, it's only been wrong for 8 months, nothing too serious in this age of light-speed technology evolution.

http://ws.apache.org/axis/releases.html (Pasted below )

WebServices - Axis - Releases

Name Date Description
1.2alpha December 1, 2003 Alpha Version 1.2.
1.1 (from mirror) June 16, 2003 Final Version 1.1.
1.1rc2 March 5, 2003 Release Candidate #2 for version 1.1.
1.1rc1 February 9, 2003 Release Candidate #1 for version 1.1.
1.1beta December 3, 2002 Beta for 1.1 release
1.0 October 7, 2002 Release 1.0.
1.0rc2 September 30, 2002 Release Candidate #2 for version 1.0.
1.0rc1 September 6, 2002 Release Candidate #1 for version 1.0.
Beta 3 July 9, 2002 Third beta release (changes since beta 2).
Beta 2 April 29, 2002 Second beta release (changes since beta 1)
Beta 1 March 15, 2002 First beta release.
Alpha 3 December 14, 2001 Third Alpha - add JAX RPC, WSDD, more WSDL functionallity, etc.
Alpha 2 September 21, 2001 Second Alpha - add WSDL functionality, many bug fixes
Alpha 1 August 15, 2001 First Alpha release

For nightly builds, see the Interim Drops page.

go the Axis website http://ws.apache.org/axis/, the last build is supposed to be
March 31, 2004, 1.2 Beta, not alpha.

Exactly my point, these namespaces for the tns1 namespace are MISSING!
I'm not sure there IS a later version of Axis availale (se the clue in
my wsdl header : "WSDL created by Apache Axis version: 1.2alpha")

I guess I'll try log a bug about this. I'll try as well using a build
from cvs sources see if it's different. Jeez, these Axis developers move
at lightning speed - last build in Dec 2003?

Anne Thomas Manes wrote:

>The statement should contain a bunch of namespace
>declarations, including wsdl, wsdlsoap, xsd, impl, and tns2, at the very
>I suggest you use a later build. This bug was fixed a long time ago.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 10:13 AM
>Subject: Re: Axis generates an undefined namespace in the generated WSDL?
>Could someone at least tell me if it's a stupid question?
>I've looked all through the mailing list archives, but although I find
>examples of "tns1" and "tns2" they too are never properly defined in the
>How are they supposed to be resolved?
>In case it helps, here is my entire generated wsdl. It will illustrate
>better how the Axis wsdl has a missing namespace.








>namespace="urn:email.services/binding" use="encoded"/>

>namespace="urn:email.services" use="encoded"/>






>>Hi all,
>>I use wsdl2java to create my stubs, but the generated wsdl for my web
>>service contains an undefined namespace "tns1", which obviously blows
>>up my web service client software.
>>Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong, or if this is a known issue in
>>I'd really appreciate any information to sort this problem out.
>>Here is the Axis generated wsdl fragment :



>>Here is the original wsdl fragment :
>> targetNamespace="urn:email.services"
>> xmlns = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
>> xmlns:xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
>> xmlns:soap = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"
>> xmlns:tns = "urn:email.services">




>>Many thanks

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