Thanks everybody for your help.  The suggestions were all good and i tried
most of them to no avail... mainly because the problem was simple and with
the deployment descriptor.

The problem is that i did not declare the 'java' namespace in the deployment
descriptor, so while the data was added to the server-config.wsdd, there was
no logic to handle the provider 'java:EJB'.  Looking at the log file i
noticed that the service i had written and the Admin service produced the
same trace but the AdminService actually went into the Java provider code.  I
looked then again at other deployment descriptors and finally noticed that
the java namespace was included in the descriptor.

When i added that in, the service deployed, the methods showed up, the wsdl
was generated and I was able to call a method from the service via a client.

Thanks again for the help, hopefully i'll be able to return the favor


On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 13:03:13 -0400
edward winston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am having problems deploying a web service that will front a stateless
> session bean.  I have the session bean created and have tested that it
> works and am deploying that in the ear.
> Then i added a web component to the ear, included the axis jar in the
> WEB-INF/lib directory and redeployed the ear.  The beans are loaded just
> fine and my test client still works, and i can get to axis via the web.
> Axis is working because i see the default services of AdminService and
> Version and i can get the wsdl for both of those services.  When i deploy
> the service that fronts the session bean, the service shows up, but there
> are no methods exposed.  If i try to get the wsdl it says that it could not
> generate the wsdl.  It confirms that there is a service but maybe it is mis
> configured.
> Here is my deploy.wsdd file :
> <deployment xmlns="";
>             xmlns:xsi="";
>             xsi:schemaLocation="
>                                 ../../../../../schema/axis-wsdd.xsd ">
> <service name="WSInvestigation" provider="java:EJB">
>   <parameter name="beanJndiName" value="local/AccessCounterSB" />
>   <parameter name="localHomeInterfaceName" value="AccessCounterSBLHif" />
>   <parameter name="localInterfaceName" value="AccessCounterSBLif" />
>   <parameter name="jndiURL" value="jnp://saturn:1099" />
>   <parameter name="jndiContextClass"
>              value="org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory"/>
>   <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="listUsers" />
> </service>
> </deployment> 
> I have tried using '*' as the value of 'allowedMethods' but that didn't
> work either.
> Any clues as to what I am doing wrong here?
> edward

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