Anyone?  What do I need to add to my WSDL to make this work with Axis 1.1?


On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 11:29:01 -0500, Jason Boehle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having some problems getting SOAP attachments working in my
> webservice, and was wondering
> Here are the relevant snippets from the WSDL:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> <definitions name="ActuateAPI"
> xmlns="";
> xmlns:xsd="";
> xmlns:soap="";
> xmlns:typens="";
> xmlns:wsdlns="";
> targetNamespace="";>
>        <types>
>                <xsd:schema xmlns="";
> xmlns:enc="";
> xmlns:wsdl="";
> targetNamespace="";
> elementFormDefault="qualified">
>                        <xsd:complexType name="Attachment">
>                                <xsd:all>
>                                        <xsd:element name="ContentId" 
> type="xsd:string"/>
>                                        <xsd:element name="ContentType" 
> type="xsd:string"/>
>                                        <xsd:element name="ContentLength" 
> type="xsd:long" minOccurs="0"/>
>                                        <xsd:element name="ContentEncoding" 
> type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
>                                        <xsd:element name="Locale" type="xsd:string" 
> minOccurs="0"/>
>                                        <xsd:element name="ContentData" 
> type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0"/>
>                                </xsd:all>
>                        </xsd:complexType>
>                        <xsd:complexType name="OSISubmitExec">
>                                <xsd:sequence>
>                                        <xsd:element name="JobID" type="xsd:int"/>
>                                        <xsd:element name="ExecutableFile" 
> type="typens:Attachment" minOccurs="0"/>
>                                        <xsd:element 
> name="ExecutableFilePhysicalPath" type="xsd:string"
> minOccurs="0"/>
>                                </xsd:sequence>
>                        </xsd:complexType>
>                        <xsd:element name="OSISubmitExec" 
> type="typens:OSISubmitExec"/>
>                </xsd:schema>
>        </types>
>        <message name="OSISubmitExec">
>                <part name="Request" element="typens:OSISubmitExec"/>
>        </message>
>        <portType name="ActuateSoapPort">
>                <operation name="oSISubmitExec">
>                        <input message="wsdlns:OSISubmitExec"/>
>                        <output message="wsdlns:OSISubmitExecResponse"/>
>                </operation>
>        </portType>
>        <binding name="ActuateSoapBinding" type="wsdlns:ActuateSoapPort">
>                <soap:binding style="document"
> transport=""/>
>                <operation name="oSISubmitExec">
>                        <soap:operation soapAction=""/>
>                        <input>
>                                <soap:body use="literal" parts="Request"/>
>                        </input>
>                        <output>
>                                <soap:body use="literal" parts="Response"/>
>                        </output>
>                </operation>
>        </binding>
>        <service name="ActuateAPI">
>                <port name="ActuateSoapPort" binding="wsdlns:ActuateSoapBinding">
>                        <soap:address location="http://greenwich:8000"/>
>                </port>
>        </service>
> </definitions>
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Here is the msg sent to my service:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> POST /server/ss/services/ActuateSoapPort HTTP/1.1
> Content-Type: 
> Multipart/Related;boundary=MIME_boundary;type="text/xml";start="<response.xml>"
> Transfer-Encoding:chunked HOST:jboehle7
> SOAPAction:""
> 375
> --MIME_boundary
> Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8
> Content-Transfer-Encoding:8bit
> Content-ID:<response.xml>
> <?xml version='1.0' ?>
> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
> xmlns:SOAP-ENV="";
> xmlns:xsd="";
> xmlns:xsi="";>
> <SOAP-ENV:Header xmlns="";></SOAP-ENV:Header>
> <SOAP-ENV:Body>
> <ACTU:OSISubmitExec xmlns:ACTU="";
> xmlns="";>
> <JobID xsi:type="xsd:unsignedInt">27</JobID>
> <ExecutableFile xsi:type="Attachment">
> <ContentId xsi:type="xsd:string">ExecutableFile</ContentId>
> <ContentType xsi:type="xsd:string">binary</ContentType>
> <ContentEncoding xsi:type="xsd:string">binary</ContentEncoding>
> </ExecutableFile>
> </ACTU:OSISubmitExec>
> </SOAP-ENV:Body>
> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
> 5E
> --MIME_boundary
> Content-Type: binary
> Content-Transfer-Encoding:binary
> Content-ID:file
> 2A9 PK <<plus a bunch of other binary data>>
> --MIME_boundary--
> 0
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Here is the response sent back by Axis, it never calls my service (at
> least my breakpoint is never hit):
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2004 22:26:25 GMT
> Server: Jetty/4.2.21 (Windows XP/5.1 x86 java/1.4.2_05)
> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
> Transfer-Encoding: chunked
> 1cd
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <soapenv:Envelope
> xmlns:soapenv="";
> xmlns:xsd="";
> xmlns:xsi="";>
> <soapenv:Body>
>  <soapenv:Fault>
>   <faultcode>soapenv:Server.userException</faultcode>
>   <faultstring>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type
> mismatch</faultstring>
>   <detail/>
>  </soapenv:Fault>
> </soapenv:Body>
> </soapenv:Envelope>
> 0
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I imagine I have to add something to the WSDL to specify
> mimeMultipart/Related or something like that?  Sorry for my naïve
> question, I'm a SOAP newbie.  So what is it in the WSDL that doesn't
> match the message that is sent?
> Thanks!
> Jason Boehle

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