Thanks, Henrik.

That's the sort of thing I'm after.

I couldn't quite work out the difference between 1 and 2, though. In 1, you are defining the messages for the service methods and this naturally includes the parameters of the methods. In 2, it seems you're doing the same thing again (except for the message elements themselves).

When importing, are you referring to WSDL imports or XML schema imports? We have some services that define a schema in the <types> element and import another schema, in the <types> element also. The latest SOAPscope doesn't like this, unless the imported schema is imported within the schema which references its types. Just thought I'd mention it (XMLSpy, doesn't mind).

Keep it coming!


Hi Tony
I have a few...Some on this list might disagree, but it is always nice with a discussion.
I have done this, on several projects, and it works very well, especially for interop.
The main point is: Use Schemas
Define a schema for each message you want your webservice to process.
Lets call these schemas for message-schemas.
1 a)
Typically a "call" to a webservice consists of some input message and maybe some output message. Define a schema for both.
1 b)
When you define the schema for the messages, the "value objects" will logically appear to you. Value objects in this context is types (defined in schemas) for parameters you pass in the message and return values of the message.
Outcome of 1:
You have a schema for each webservice that exactly defines request/response messages for each web service method.
As pointed out in 1 b) schemas for the parameter/return types can/must also be defined. This might be an Order type, Customer type, etc.
Lets call these schemas for type-schemas.
2 a)
Define these parameter/return types in a schema, too.
Outcome of 2:
You have a schema (or all in one schema) for each parameter/return type that each webservice method must be able to process.
Over time you'll have a "domain model" of types/classes described in schemas.
Use imports between schemas (both type-schemas and message-schemas) to construct your WSDL document.
a) Import type-schemas in your message-schemas as needed by parameter/return types.
b) Import message-schemas in your WSDL document as needed.
Outcome of all three:
- You have a clean separation and description (in terms of schemas) of the services a webservice provides and the "types of data" these service operates on.
- Your WSDL doesn't get cluttered with types
Anyone... comments on these steps are welcome...

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