Hi again Tony...
I can see this thread evolved since yesterday...fine discussion :-)
In this particular aspect, I prefer to work from Java. The way I see it, I'm developing some business functionality, that might be usable in many ways, not just as a web service. In developing the business function, without any web services infrastructure, it can be kept clean and easily testable. Once the function is sorted, expose it as a web service, using Java2WSDL, some WSDL clean-up, WSDL2Java, with server side generation. Then the web services implementation template can hook up to the business functionality. Apart from the clean separation of business functionality and web services infrastructure, there are some small mods one can make to the WSDL and web service class, without needing to alter the business class.
I did this for a J2EE project, where Business Facades where implemented as stateless session beans. On the Web Tier I was using Struts and as mediator between Web Tier and EJB Tier I was using "Business Plugins" based on the Business Delegate Pattern. Those business plugins where called from the Struts action.
Anyway... When it came to expose some of the business services as web services, it was way too easy to add another "action class" to call the Business Plugin.
It was the new "action class" that was exposed in the WSDL. Or actually the opposite, because I started to create the WSDL and generated the new "action class" from there.
The current infrastructure (eg. software architecture) was kept, just adding another "way" to the Business Plugins on the Web Tier.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6:12 PM
Subject: Re: Best Practice

Thanks, Joe.

I've had a quick glance through the mailing list, back a year, but couldn't find anything obvious, in the best practice area.

In this particular aspect, I prefer to work from Java. The way I see it, I'm developing some business functionality, that might be usable in many ways, not just as a web service. In developing the business function, without any web services infrastructure, it can be kept clean and easily testable. Once the function is sorted, expose it as a web service, using Java2WSDL, some WSDL clean-up, WSDL2Java, with server side generation. Then the web services implementation template can hook up to the business functionality. Apart from the clean separation of business functionality and web services infrastructure, there are some small mods one can make to the WSDL and web service class, without needing to alter the business class.

Any more best practices anyone?


Funny you should ask this question.

When I asked it about 6 months ago it spawned a week long thread that,
in my opinion never reached a conclusion. But, this is what I gathered
from it. There are three schools of thought when it comes to creating
Axis web services. 1) Start with a WSDL and generate your code from
that. 2) Start with a class and generate a WSDL so that you can generate
the WSDD. 3)Start with a JWS or message service that accepts a string
and parse it with Castor or some other xml binding engine. Remember each
one has it's own specific merits and drawbacks.

1) The WSDL approach; you start with a WSDL and it is rather simple to
create. Plus, it's the one location where you define your service. And
then everything gets generated. The drawback comes in when you add
future functionality, you end up regenerating things over and over
again. And if you've added any functionality to any of the generated
classes outside of the impl class, you have to be careful when doing
your generation, it will get over written.

2) The class approach; you start with a class, I don't think there is an
easier starting point for java developers. You create your code and
expose it to the world using the WSDD's. The drawback of this is
generating the WSDD's. WSDD's are a little bit more complicated than
WSDL's. You could create them by hand, but it's more prone to error. And
to generate them you have to be pretty comfortable in ant, it can be
very hackish.

3) The String approach; I've never attempted using this approach but
there is a relatively popular article that recommends this. If you are
heavily invested into Castor or some other framework, I see the merits
of implementing this approach. Also, you theoretically could get by with
exposing only one service. The drawbacks of this, you're adding another
layer to an increasingly complex puzzle. Axis does all of the parsing
for you already, why add another layer?

I couldn't tell you which technique is the most popular, I would say
that the WSDL and Class approaches are the most common and are split
fairly evenly. The people that I've have personally run into have used
the class approach exclusively. But, some of them were exposing EJB's so
take that with a grain of salt.

As for books/documentation, keep waiting for an Axis specific book. None
exist show what you can really do with this technology. Most just
explain the architecture. One thing I have noticed though, version 1.2
documentation is way better than version 1.1.

For tools, Mindreef SoapScope, is an excellent testing tool. Reads in
and validates WSDL's. You can also test the service by inputing data
into a form. I use this all the time. Cape Clear has a WSDL tool that
I've used a couple times. Very easy to create a WSDL from scratch.

Axis is an excellent tool. It does have a lot of power in it and can be
used in just about any way you wish. But, like EJB and other distributed
technologies they need to be used where appropriate. Deciding where it's
appropriate is something that comes with experience not reading it from

Have a great day,
Joe Plautz

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