I got this working.

When you use fink, it introduces "/sw/etc/xml/catalog" in LibXSLT. But then AxKit winds up searching this path inside the document root for some reason. So I found you have to put a symlink to /sw in the doc root. E.g.

[simons-tibook:xml-axkit/t/htdocs] woodside% pwd
[simons-tibook:xml-axkit/t/htdocs] woodside% ls -l sw
lrwxr-xr-x   1 woodside  staff  3 Sep 18 22:09 sw@ -> /sw

Anyway, once I did that make test worked fine.


On Aug 22, 2005, at 12:21 AM, S. Woodside wrote:

Hmm... got CVS axkit here... on Mac OS X 10.4 with fink. Got XML::LibXSLT 1.58. Seems to be that axkit: URIs still not working.

details below


% make test
t/uri/axkit............................................NOK 1# Test 1 got: "0" (t/uri/axkit.t at line 14)
#   Expected: "1" (Testing axkit:// subrequests)
t/uri/axkit............................................FAILED test 1
        Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
t/xslt-basic/02_include................................NOK 1# Test 1 got: "0" (t/xslt-basic/02_include.t at line 15)
#   Expected: "1" (Testing stylesheet include behavior.)
t/xslt-basic/02_include................................FAILED test 1
        Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
t/xslt-basic/03_document_1arg..........................NOK 1# Test 1 got: "0" (t/xslt-basic/03_document_1arg.t at line 15)
#   Expected: "1" (Testing stylesheet include behavior.)
t/xslt-basic/03_document_1arg..........................FAILED test 1
        Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay
t/xslt-basic/04_document_2args.........................NOK 1# Test 1 got: "0" (t/xslt-basic/04_document_2args.t at line 15)
#   Expected: "1" (Testing stylesheet include behavior.)
t/xslt-basic/04_document_2args.........................FAILED test 1
        Failed 1/1 tests, 0.00% okay

% xsltproc -V
Using libxml 20616, libxslt 10111 and libexslt 809
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20616, libxslt 10111 and libexslt 809
libxslt 10111 was compiled against libxml 20616
libexslt 809 was compiled against libxml 20616

cpan> install XML::LibXSLT
XML::LibXSLT is up to date.
cpan> i XML::LibXSLT
Strange distribution name [XML::LibXSLT]
Module id = XML::LibXSLT
    MANPAGE      XML::LibXSLT - Interface to the gnome libxslt library
INST_FILE /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level/XML/ LibXSLT.pm

On Aug 5, 2005, at 11:29 AM, Matt Sergeant wrote:

OK, so we've been dragging our feet for some time now, but I've finally gotten around to doing *something*, so I'm hoping I can encourage others to do the same...

I've released XML::LibXSLT 1.58 to CPAN. This *should* fix the axkit: URI stuff. AxKit CVS now passes "make test".

So what do I need *you* to do? I need you all to check out the current CVS, and with XML::LibXSLT 1.58, make sure "make test" passes.

If we can all do that, 1.7 can go out soon, we can migrate to SVN, and we can start looking more seriously at the TomKit code.



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