On Friday, 27. December 2002 07:54, S Woodside wrote:
> Hi I'm happily converting my website over to axkit and have encountered
> this IMHO very annoying aspect of XML/XSLT - that I can't use named
> entities that are the default (X)HTML set without all kind of
> non-trivial crap.
> I understand that there are lots of fancy uses for entities in XSLT
> that is completely different from HTML. However it seems that mostly
> these are also accessible through XSLT functions and so I am not
> interested in that (should I be??). Instead I just want to be able to
> pass through my entities like &copy, and so on without any hassle. I
> don't want to have to use <xsl:text blahblahblah>&amp;copy;</xsl:text>
> and other ugly constructions like that, or have to create length
> doctype declarations and so on.

Well, as Kip already said, there's no way to get completely around this, but 
maybe this helps:

--------- cut here ------ file <document root>/dummy.dtd ----------
<!ENTITY nbsp "&#160;">
<!ENTITY euro "&#8364;">
--------- cut here -------------

And repeat this for any char you want. Go to www.w3.org to fetch the HTML DTD 
and copy out the complete set of entities if you like.

For every XML file (be they stylesheets or document files) which contains some 
named entity, put this line at the very top, right after the <?xml ...?> 

<!DOCTYPE data SYSTEM "/dummy.dtd">

And that's it. Quite easy, huh? :-)


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