To add to this, sorry for the spam but I think this is relevant/important. A lot of the discussion on this list seems to assume that those involved consider modifying the AxKit code itself to be a reasonable solution ... to me that's just not an option. Sure, I could probably do it (after a week of learning more perl) but I'm not interested and I'd rather spend my time learning XSLT etc. So suggestions of the nature of "it could be hacked to make that work" are somewhat unhelpful.


On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 06:49 PM, S Woodside wrote:

Well, part of my frustration is generally that the axkit user/developer base is small. Smaller than it should be IMHO (I can't comment on why that might be true for the developer base but there doesn't seem to be as much user understanding of what a userful tool it is).

-- -- 99% Devil, 1% Angel

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