On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 05:19 PM, Mauro Sciaccaluga wrote:

<?xml-stylesheet href="guide.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>

Before there was just:

<!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "guide.dtd">

I have both these files: guide.dtd and guide.xsl

A !DOCTYPE tag is not normal XML I don't think. It's a hold-over from SGML I think. As far as defining an XSLT transformation on the file, it's useless. DTD don't transform documents they just specify and/or validate them. There are some AxKit directives for apache that will specify a transformation, that are documented on the man page and in the docs wiki on axkit.org. However Why not just use the <?xml-stylesheet ... ?> processor include? It's just as good.


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