On Tuesday 27 May 2003 04:36 pm, S Woodside wrote:
> On Tuesday, May 27, 2003, at 05:19  PM, Mauro Sciaccaluga wrote:
> > <?xml-stylesheet href="guide.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
> >
> > Before there was just:
> >
> > <!DOCTYPE guide SYSTEM "guide.dtd">
> >
> > I have both these files: guide.dtd and guide.xsl
> A !DOCTYPE tag is not normal XML I don't think. It's a hold-over from
> SGML I think. As far as defining an XSLT transformation on the file,
> it's useless. DTD don't transform documents they just specify and/or
> validate them. There are some AxKit directives for apache that will
> specify a transformation, that are documented on the man page and in
> the docs wiki on axkit.org. However Why not just use the
> <?xml-stylesheet ... ?> processor include? It's just as good.

Actually, <!DOCTYPE> is a valid XML tag.  See the W3C XML specification[1].  
As far as associating XSL stylesheets with an XML file, there are plenty of 
ways one could do it.  A given stylesheet (or pipeline of stylesheets) could 
be associated based on the root element name[2], a DTD[3], as well as a bunch 
of others.  I usually associate my documents based on their root element, but 

Regarding using the <?xml-stylesheet?> directive, not everyone can change 
their XML content for page rendering.  In some instances where I have to 
process XML, the data cannot be dictated, either because there are simply too 
many files (1,000s of them), or the XML files are not created by me, but 
rather generated by a 3rd party.

1: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-doctypedecl
2: http://www.axkit.org/wiki/view/AxKit/AxKit#AxAddRootProcessor
3: http://www.axkit.org/wiki/view/AxKit/AxKit#AxAddDTDProcessor

Michael A Nachbaur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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