You need to have the redirect thing. I haven't fully understood how it works but the redirect causes a second request or something like that which allows the plugin to run.

The correct config directive is

PerlInitHandler Apache::RequestNotes

(note the 'Apache::') and make sure it is the init handler for all of the locations that need the session info including the login page.


>> original message (cut and paste from digest)
Subject:Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Session Problem
From:Streph Treadway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:Wed, 31 Dec 2003 10:40:56 -0500

Hi, all,

I have been playing with the example given in the AxKit wiki for
Apache::AxKit::Plugin::Session and have run into a couple of problem.

First, I have been unable to make
ErrorDocument 403 /redirect?url=/login.xsp
redirect a request to my login page.  I looked over the list archives
and saw that I was not the firs to have this problem.  Adding

<location /redirect>
PerlInitHandler RequestNotes

did not work for me.  I still get plain old 403 errors when I try to
access the protected directory.

I changed to: ErrorDocument 403 /login.xsp

I now get the login form, but when I submit my username and password, I
get the following server error:
Compilation failed: Global symbol "$session" requires explicit package
name at (eval 100) line 26.

Looking at the results of the xsp processing step, line 26 is:
    if (do { my @_res = do {(defined $$session{"auth_access_user"} &&
    $$session{"auth_access_user"} ne "guest" &&
    $$session{"auth_access_user"} ne "")?1:0}; eval{if (wantarray) {
    @_res; } else { join("",@_res); }} }) {

Subsequent attempts to login result in the login page being redisplayed.

Any suggestions?



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