On Tuesday 27 January 2004 22:14, Michael A Nachbaur wrote:

> Hmm...okay.  So, you wanna take perl completely out of the picture.

Well, yeah, I aim for no Perl in the XSP XML. I had to include a few 
semicolons here and there due to problems combining taglibs from different 
helpers (any progress on that, Matt?), but that's about it... :-) (yup, I'm a 
real purist... But I guess I really should be working with a pragmatist to 
get things done quicker... :-) )

> > May I suggest an element, something like
> > <param:get-all name="foo"/>
> > that if given the query ?foo=bar&foo=baz
> > will return
> > <value>bar</value>
> > <value>baz</value>
> So I gather you're going to be post-processing this?

Yup, XSLT should handle it just afterwards. And since I've been using a 
'value' element for all the simpler controls in my form, it is quite 
convienent to use here too.

> > Possibly, the name of the element (instead of 'value') could be an
> > attribute too, and perhaps an optional element around these...
> Actually, I added an optional "name" attribute to "enumerate", so you could
> say:

Oh, but that ruined your surprise! :-) Actually, I thought about it, but found 
a new element more desireable, but this is great too! 

> <param:enumerate name="foo"/>

Yup, I've tested it on a few very simple examples, and it seems to work great!

Thanks a lot! :-)

> Okay, this should be fixed. 

Uh, almost... It seems to count the query parameters correctly, but at least 
on my system when using BasicSession, it counts those parameters too...

>The latest version is in CVS.  Try it, test
> it, and let me know how it worked out.

Yup, it worked great, except that one probably isn't expecting to have the 
BasicSession parameters counted... :-)

> One of the nice things about using AxKit as a central part of your
> company's business is that you get good servers to develop on.  One of the
> downsides of the same, is that now everyone relies on it, which means you
> can no longer do ad-hoc code changes, or you'll *instantly* hear everyone
> groan "SCAMP's down!"  *sigh*

Yeah, I can imagine... :-)

> You know, it occurs to me that this would be well-suited to the axkit-devel
> mailing list.  Oh well.

Hehe, yeah I guess so, but when I posted the message, I thought that it was 
just something I was missing, a typical user question... :-)



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