Hi everybody,

I'm having a problem with AxKit, it makes apache segfault when trying to list a directory content, and it doesn't work when I try to load an XML file.

I've tried this guide:
with apache 1.3.29 compiled with --disable-rule=EXPAT, and mod_perl 1.29 compiled and installed by hand as a SO module. Mod_perl seems to works well, so I've installed every perl module needed (as described in the documentation), installed axkit and modified apache config. As soon as I add "PerlModule AxKit" to the apache config it makes apache segfault when I try to list a directory content (and only when apache need to print the list of files...).

With AddHandler when I try to access an xml file I got an Internal Server Error and it displays "[Fri Feb 6 14:00:44 2004] [error] _get_config: Unexpected per_dir_config = NULL at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i686-linux/Apache/AxKit/ConfigReader.pm line 43." in the apache error_log.

Here is the list of installed perl modules with versions:
XML::NamespaceSupport 1.08
XML::SAX 0.12
XML::LibXML::Common 0.13
XML::LibXML 1.56
XML::LibXSLT 1.53
XML::XPath 1.13
Compress::Zlib 1.33
Apache::Test 1.07
Apache::Request 1.3
Perl::Tidy 20031021
And the libraries:
libxml2 2.5.11
libxslt 1.0.33

Thanks in advance for your help
Reynald Borer

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