> Ummm.... I'm seeing issues with it myself, that I can't explain... What
> I'm seeing here is that after a while, it apparently doesn't recognize
> the login of the same user anymore, unless I delete the session file...

Well I can't even get around it by deleting the session file.

> But nobody else has yet reproduced this behaviour, so I don't know if
> it is a bug, or just me who confuse the system by login in and out,
> deleting cookies and stuff pretty randomly... It could be similar...

Suely the taglib should be able to handle random logging in/out, setting 
and unsetting of variables? Which means it must be some kind og bug no? 
Has anyone else found this problem?

> > Because once
> > <session:invalidate> has been processed, all new requests for any
> > pages result in a new session files being generated (like in my
> > previous post) - again, making it impossible to work with the
> > session.

> Huh? It creates a whole file for each session...?

That's right. I have been keeping a constant eye on the session folder and 
basically when you first open up the browser on the website, a session 
file is created (as you would expect). As you navigate through the site, 
still only one session file exists. Adding values to the session seems to 
work with no problems and similarly removing values from the session 
causes no problems.

Running <session:invalidate> causes the current session file to be 
deleted. Once this has happened, every subsequent new page request creates 
a new session file - it will only create one session file per page however 
(I thought this was perhaps due to the browser caching the page, therefore 
not actually generating a new request, but even after clearing the browser 
cache and refreshing the page, only one session file will be generated for 
that particular page). - So to the worst effect, I will end up with a 
session folder containing as many session files as there are pages in the 
site, and I will have to log in once on every page!...

Deleting the session files, clearing the browser cache and deleting all 
the browser cookies has no effect. The only thing that will stop new 
session files being created is closing the browser and reopening it.

The only workaround I can currently think of is to manually unset all 
session variables rather than invalidating the session. Can anyone think 
of an easy way to do this (ie. some kind of xsl template which loops 
through all session keys and unsets them), as it would be pretty 
impractical to have to remember every session variable that had been set.

This behaviour makes working with BasicSession impossible. Surely other 
people are using this taglib without this problem..?!

What is the relationship between AxKit::Plugin::BasicSession and 
AxKit::Plugin::Session?. From what I can tell, BasicSession actually 
implements more features than the Session one, but perhaps the Session one 
doesn't have this problem?

Tom David Kirkpatrick
Virus Bulletin Web Developer, Virus Bulletin

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