
You could give Apache2::TomKit a try its at its very stages but
Providers and XSLT-Chains are working already. I think this would give
you all you need. Beside that you could use all modules you already know
from programming web-applications in perl.

Because of the design of TomKit any module
(mod_perl-Handler,CGI::Application,PHP-Module,CMS,...) could be the
content-provider no matter what language because TomKit works as an
output-filter in Apache2.

I'll release a new version this week to support
XML::LibXML/XML::LibXSLT-1.59. And may if I have time I'll release an
module which provides XSP for TomKit. But I think you don't need it
because Providers are the better choice.


> On 9 Aug 2006 at 8:37, Also Sprach Matt Sergeant:
>>On 9-Aug-06, at 8:25 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>I presume that there is an event loop. When an event happens and
>>>the processing of that event takes, for example, five minutes, what
>>>happens when another event happens?
>>It's blocked until you re-enter the event loop. Obviously that's bad,  
>>so I'll be investigating ways you can do long running stuff. It'll be  
>>some API along the lines of:
>>   $self->do_slow(sub { ... });
>>   return CONTINUATION;
>>And when that's done (bearing in mind it'll be in a separate process  
>>so you'll need to arrange for a way for data to be returned) the  
>>continuation will pick up again at the next plugin in the chain.
> Leaving plugins to one side for the moment...
> In my particular scenario:
> The server sits there listening for a request. This request
> has to go to a db, retrieve lots of data, generate the xml etc
> and eventually pass back html. Let's say that the retrieval of data 
> takes about 5 mins.
> If 100 users put in a request at the same time, the server blocks to
> service to first user, how does it service the other users without 
> forking or passing them on to other daemons ot threads?
> (I have never used threads and have little idea about them)
> Would I be correct in thinking that the mod_perlish speed you 
> can achieve is due to the one instance of perl that is running the 
> httpd and app?
> So rather than the perl httpd running my perl app, in effect my perl 
> app has an httpd embedded in it?
>>(don't worry about the gritty details - I've done this sort of thing  
>>for qpsmtpd already so it's just a SMOP and documenting it)
>>>btw, how does one download axkit2?
>>At the moment it's SVN only. I can put a snapshot up somewhere if you  
> Thank you, but I've sussed it out. Well the d/l at least. The up and 
> running may take some time, I'm a perl Makefile.PL wallah :)
> John
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