On Aug 13, 2006, at 7:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Simon,

Oh and if you haven't already seen it in operation, visit my site
below or http://semacode.org

I was checking out semacode (cool software btw) the other day & noticed you had a post on being "/.'d" was it the sheer number of hits on the server swamping the server or AxKit not being able to serve the results? (or something else).

Well, I mean, it was linked to by slashdot. The site stayed up no problem, actually...

I've had two /.ings on my creaky old server and AxKit has always held up under the load without breaking a sweat. My normal # of pages / day is about 4000 (3/minute), that particular /. wasn't too much, 10000 pages on one day (7/minute), back in 2004 I had 20 000 pages (14/minute) in a day. Really not that much, I guess. Of course the peak loads were much higher. I don't have the stats for exactly how much higher but I'd expect 10x higher. So I guess I've probably served up to 3 pages / second on my creaky setup.

(Note that's pages, not hits. Also, I haven't done load testing to determine the maximum. I imagine it's at least 10x more than that though.)

It's 100% XML/XSLT and a little bit of mod_rewrite.

Is there any areas you can think of that AxKit 2 may improve on compared to 1?

Well I'd like to see working axkit: URIs :-)



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