On 14/8/06 14:02, "Matt Sergeant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 13-Aug-06, at 10:14 PM, S. Woodside wrote:
>> On Aug 13, 2006, at 7:33 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Hi Simon,
>>>> Oh and if you haven't already seen it in operation, visit my site
>>>> below or http://semacode.org
>>> I was checking out semacode (cool software btw) the other day &
>>> noticed you had
>>> a post on being "/.'d" was it the sheer number of hits on the
>>> server swamping
>>> the server or AxKit not being able to serve the results? (or
>>> something else).
>> Well, I mean, it was linked to by slashdot. The site stayed up no
>> problem, actually...
> FWIW there have been other AxKit sites that survived slashdotting -
> Opera's site and Linux From Scratch have both been hit by direct
> slashdottings if my memory serves me correct.
> AxKit1's cache delivery pretty much meant it could withstand anything
Just to back that up further, our AxKit based site serves in excess of 6M+
page impressions a month, I'd be lying if I said we didn't spread the load
over more than one server but we've never found AxKit to hold anything back.

> serving up raw HTML pages could withstand. I'm hoping we can do
> similar coolness with AxKit2, only scale much better using async IO.
> Matt.
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