Greetings Group,


After seeing my name on the list as a frequent poster I hesitated to respond to 
this thread. After sleeping on it I feel like I need to comment.

I'm one of those who reads every thread....each one has the potential for 
holding a clue or bit of knowledge...even the ones that are redundant such as 
the avo thread....I did learn how to pronounce the words from that thread. Then 
there was the "facebook" thread that some found that thread 
someone mentioned that there was an Azores page so I decided to look.....I 
found a Pico, Azores page with a post from last Sept. from a man in Toronto who 
was looking for people from Candelaria with the names Garcia or da 
Nunes....being related to Cardinal Jose da Costa da Nunes I contacted him...he 
was very gracious and sent me his tree......we had several shared relatives 
including a ggggrandfather and he is also connected to at least one other 
member of the list that I know of because she and I are cousins....he knew 
nothing of the Azores group. Because of the thread that Joao Lopes wrote 
clarifying "da", "do" etc. with his one line on the bottom regarding the head 
of the Baptista family in Topo, I contacted list.....and he 
graciously sent me my family line back to around 1460.....connections I never 
imagined I would ever find! I appreciate the knowledge of so many people on 
this list. I've learned history, how to make linguica, where to order cheese 
and other Portuguese things that are unheard of in Arkansas. There have been 
too many helpful people to mention and too many threads that seemed not 
relevant to me that have lead me to discover something, ( I have no Macedo"s 
that I knew of until that thread lead me to a new cousin!!!!) Georges website 
taught me that people drown gathering lapas in the Azores and because of that I 
am cautious and before I read that I was fearless and stupid!

I'd rather have the option to delete something than miss the potential 
opportunity that a message might hold.

I've been a member long enough now to know that Cheri moderates us well and 
when enough is enough she shuts us down, tells us to snip or redirects our 
inquiries to the appropriate place.


With thanks and regards,

Nancy Jean Baptiste

> Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 23:06:28 -0700
> Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Re: Posting
> From:
> To:
> There is no tracking going on. The list keeps track of the posts and
> displays it online. I stated the numbers that the list publishes. I
> wish more people would post to the list as happened on the old Azores
> list. That is all, no competition, criticism.
> I would not know how to track.
> Char
> > 

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