Hi Mary,


  Sorry for the slow response but I kept thinking I could go back through all 
of the photos and look for additional ones.....the one of the baby has a 
photographer's studio logo that says "Palo Alto"....unfortunately, only a few 
of the pictures have names. The ones that are named are of a couple of the 
Perry girls and one of a man named 'Gert Alves" who married into the 
family.....others married an Azevedo,a Medeiros, a Lemos and I'm not sure at 
the moment of others names. I will look this weekend for others from Palo Alto.


The one name for Joseph in born 1845 Portugal is the right year for one of 
Antonio and Isabels children....although his name was JOAM.....what is 
that....not Jose or Joao?


My mother said her grandfather, Joseph Perry, went to Ca. for  gold and had a 
stick pin made with the nugget he found. So often they went with other 


At this point after finding the Palo Alto picture I'm sure some part of this 
family went to Ca. and a whole new avenue of searching is opened up! Perry/ 
Pereira is such a common name!



Nancy Jean

From: geneal...@hununu.org
To: azores@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [AZORES-Genealogy] Perry/Pereira family.....
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 16:42:55 -0700

On Apr 28, 2010, at 3:00 PM, nancy jean baptiste wrote:
...but last night found a photo of a Pereira baby in Palo Alto, Ca....this 
quest for connections to a Palo Alto Perry family is a long shot but........

Do you know if the west coast family was going by Perry or Pereira at that 
time? Was the photo from a studio in Palo Alto or was that written on the photo?

I just did a quick Ancestry search and couldn't find any Perry family in Palo 
Alto around 1900 on the census. (It was a very quick search...).

I'm on the coast side of the SF Peninsula close to Palo Alto. There were 
Pereiras on the coast (probably around Pescadero). In the 1900 census they 

Joseph born 1845 Portugal
Annie born 1852  Portugal
Joseph 1890
Manuel   1893

(I have some Pereiras in my line from Norte Grande, Sao Jorge.)

Mary Bordi

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