I, too, would like to find out about two brothers, Salão (Solon) Benarus Seriqui and David Benarus Seriqui (may have changed the last name to Sereque) who went from the Azores to Brazil. I have no idea when the went to Brazil but they died in 1915 supposedly in Brazil. Solon may have married but David supposedly never did.
- Shirl -
Sorry to cut right in here....but i too would like to know how to find
records of Azoreans who went to Brazil.  I believe i found a birth
record for a brother to my great grandfather who was 'away in the
Imperial of Brazil.'This record was dated 1874. I wondered if from the
Azores they would dock first in the US...(maybe not...) If not..then
where? or would it be a straight trip to Brazil.

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