I'm glad Elizabeth you gave your info since I didn't have it and you know as
we discussed that I have Manuel de Almeida de Andrade Rodrigues from Sao
Roque as my ggrandfather b. abt. 1855. Also his daugther, my grandmother
Maria do Espirito Santo de Andrade b. 1884 always carrying her name as de
Andrade so my mother always said. I never heard my mother say de Almeida or
even Rodrigues. She has listed on her marriage certificate she is from
Manuel was married to Maria da Gloria from Faja de Baixo. They had four
children: Odelia, Anton, my grandmother and Elise. Odelia married and went
to Canada with two children, Anton never married (spent all the money given
to him) and my grandmother and Elise had 17 children between the both of
them, but 10 of them died. Supposedly my ggrandfather was very wealthy. I
think it was a mill that he owned because some of what was left (equipment)
went to my grandmother and probably the other sisters as a dowry. I just
remember my mother telling me that her nephew who still lives in Ribeira
Grande sold off the last of everything back in the 80's/90's and my mom told
him to keep the money. She said it didn't add up to much supposedly. That's
all I know about her maternal side.
I will have to get certificates and see what I can find out. I know that
Celeste helped me when she went there in 07 and found quite a few Manuel
Rodrigues. The only one that was close was Manuel and Marie (twins) March 7,
1896. Manuel de Almeida and Maria Jacintha. Paternal Jose de Almeida and
Maria Joaquina; Maternal Roque Rodrigues and Rosa Jacintha. Close because
it's the only one I saw de Almeida and Rodrigues together. Again this was
from Sao Roque.
Maybe someone may pick up something from this info and help us out.


From: azores@googlegroups.com [mailto:azo...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 3:46 PM
To: azores@googlegroups.com
Subject: [AZORES-Genealogy] Searching for D'Andrade in Sao Miguel

I am trying to find information on my D'ANDRADE ancestors...
Here is what I have:
Jacinto D'ANDRADE (my ggrandfather) m  Margarida Candida LOPES in Ariffes,
Sao Miguel 16 Sep 1872
s/o Antoinio D'Andrade de Silva m Dona-Anna-Clara in Fenais do Luz, Sao
Miguel 26 Sep 1831
s/o Joao D'ANDRADE RAPOSO m Genoveva ROSA in Fenais do Luz, Sao Miguel, 14
Oct 1779
s/o Manuel D'ANDRADE-MACEDO m Mariana(?)  
I have no further information.....could there possibly be someone else on
the "list" looking for this family who could help me break through?????

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