Paternal Grandparents: Joao Pacheco Vieria and Maria do Espirito Santo
Maternal Grandparents:  Manoel Faustino Regalo and de Maria Josefa

On Apr 8, 2011, at 8:47 PM, Cheri Mello wrote:

Jo Elayne and Pat N are getting good!! :) If you had to read this on your own, you'd be very close. You did zero in on the mom's name (half the battle). You both did see her name consisted of 3 names. After you get used to "reading" (or in reality, bumbling) your way through the records, you'll get used to the names in your villages. Mom is Maria Henriqueta Jacintha. So you guys are starting to get the hang of it (American slang, there..."getting the hang" is getting used to or becoming comfortable with something).

While we are on you ladies or anyone else want to try to fish out the grandparents names?

Since baby Rosalina is a girl, you're looking for names (they are capitalized) that appear after the parents' names. It will say "neta paterna" for granddaughter paternal and "neta materna" for granddaughter maternal.

Neta is hyphenenated when you first see it. Ne (at the end of one line) and ta at the beginning of the next. It's about 2/3 of the way down. After he lists the paternal grandparents' names, he only writes "materna" and lists the maternal grandparents' names.

Give it a try. Our two ladies who stuck out their necks are on a roll (more American slang, but it's all done in a complimentary way).

Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas, Achada

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