Thank you so much for the information Tomas. Very interesting to learn how
it all works.  You have enlightened me!

Karen Medeiros-Huffman

On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 10:52 PM, Tomas Leal <> wrote:

> In response to some of the questions and statements regarding
> Portuguese citizenship:
> Reason for wanting citizenship:
> My reason is purely sentimental, a greater connection with my Azorean
> grandfather and the family there. In fact, I already possess Irish
> citizenship and passport via my mother's father, so I have EU status.
> The U.S. "ignores" other citizenships rather than accepts them. To the
> U.S., a citizen is a citizen and that's that. Because of the
> relationship with Israel and that country's granting of citizenship to
> anyone Jewish, the U.S. has ignored the dual-citizenship issue. As far
> as the U.S. is concerned, I am only an American citizen.
> How I found what I needed:
> I knew my grandfather's village--Flamengos, Faial--and thus knew the
> parish. All parish records from those years are stored in the new
> library in Horta. All I had to do was look up his baptism record by
> the date. He was baptized a few days after his birth, so I easily
> found the original document. Because I still have a way to go with
> citizenship, I have only a photocopy for my own interest, not an
> official copy. When I need that, I will get it.
> Because of the strong position of the Catholic Church in Portugal, a
> baptismal record counts as a birth certificate. In fact, there is no
> birth certificate for most people of that time. When getting Irish
> citizenship, I used a certified copy of that grandfather's baptism
> certificate, and that was all that was needed to prove Irish birth.
> Because my grandparents immigrated (separately) to the U.S., they
> married in San Francisco, where my mother was born and married and
> where I was born. The paperwork proving my connection was easily
> obtained--took about five minutes.
> My Azorean grandfather also immigrated to San Francisco, where he
> married my grandmother. My father was also born here. Thus, once I
> have the Portuguese document, I will easily have everything I need to
> prove my connection.
> "Benefits" of EU citizenship:
> Having EU citizenship allows me to live and work within the EU.
> However, it does NOT make available all the benefits. I have never
> paid into any European health plan; thus, I cannot get national health
> insurance anywhere in the EU. For that, I must be employed and pay the
> taxes. In 2010, I had a medical emergency and had to pay completely
> out of pocket. Fortunately, medical care in the EU is nothing close to
> what is in the U.S. Treatment that would easily have cost over $1,000
> cost me about $175. My own medical insurance reimbursed my
> prescription costs less my co-pay, and the ER cost was less than my co-
> pay, so I got nothing.
> An additional reason for pursuing Portuguese citizenship is there are
> some work possibilities for me there. Should something come through, I
> would go into the tax system and thus contribute to the various
> programs such as health care. I could then, possibly, get some kind of
> coverage.
> Tomas
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Hugs and Blessings from Karen (Medeiros) Huffman in Paso Robles, CA USA

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