
About 1775-1779.  I have it written down somewhere, but I haven't unpacked
that box since my move last summer.  Shirley Allegre knows.  Shirley do you
remember which years are missing from Sao Pedro in Vila Franca?

When Shirley and I went to the archive, we asked to see the book.  We
looked to see if any pages were loose, or the loose ones were bound in that
back after they fell out.  No such luck.  The probably fell out in the
1800s and were lost and then the book was rebound in the 1900s.

Shirley and I (and a couple of other list members) are stuck because our
ancestors married in Sao Pedro in the late 1770s.  Argh!
Cheri Mello
Listowner, Azores-Gen
Researching: Vila Franca, Ponta Garca, Ribeira Quente, Ribeira das Tainhas,

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